2024.11.16 - 11.30 [Residency] Jeju Island / KR

2024.11.09 [Talk] DAZ, Zürich / CH

2024.11.08 [Concert, KRAKEN] DAZ, Zürich / CH

2024.10.13 [Concert, KRAKEN] UH Fest, Budapest / HU

2024.10.11 [Concert, VRA] Bloom Festival, Seoul / KR

2024.08.07 [Talk, DBWTS] Montage Camp, Kunsthaus Urhof / AT

2024.07.11 [Concert, RESi] Frederic Release Show, Manchester / UK

2024.07.05 [Concert, Ambisonic, RESi] Klangfestival, Gallneukirchen / AT

2024.06.05 [Concert, Kraken] Algomysthica, Berlin / DE

2024.06.03 [Concert, Ambisonic, HIVE] Sonic Lab, Linz / AT

2024.05.31 [Concert, RESi] Rhiz, Vienna / AT

2024.05.25 [Concert, RESi] STWST, Linz / AT

2024.05.23 [Installation, dBlech] Kunst und Poesie, Kriegergut, Perg / AT

2024.05.04 [Concert, Ambisonic, HIVE] Punctum, Prag / CZ

2024.04.12 [Concert, Kraken] Stream Festival, Linz / AT

2024.03.14 [Talk] Sirup, Linz / AT

2024.01.07 [Concert, VRA] Wesa Festival, Seoul / KR

2023.12.28 [Concert, VRA] Chaos Communication Congress, Hamburg / DE

2023.12.10 [Concert, Liveset] dim sam, Belgrad / RS

2023.11.22 - 04.07 [Installation, dBlech] Ars Electronica Center, Linz / AT

2023.11.11 [Concert, Liveset] Sonic Territories, Vienna / AT

2023.10.26 - 10.29 [Installation, dBlech] lab30, Augsburg / DE

2023.10.24 [Concert, Synth Liveset] Tresor, Linz / AT

2023.10.13 - 10.30 [Installation, dBlech] bb15, Linz / AT

2023.10.14 [Concert, Synth Liveset] Sender, Linz / AT

2023.09.16 [Concert, Ambisonic, HIVE] Ottosonics Festival, Ottensheim / AT

2023.09.09 [Concert, Synth Liveset] Circuit Control, Dresden / DE

2023.09.06 - 09.10 [Installation, dBlech] Ars Electronica Festival, Linz / AT

2023.07.29 [Concert, ambisonics, HIVE] Melusines, National House Ústi nad Labem / CZ

2023.07.16 - 06.29 [Residency] Phonon~ Summer School, Ústi nad Labem/Staňkovice / CZ

2023.07.15 [Concert, VRA] Experimence Festival, Saarbrücken / DE

2023.06.30 [Installation/Performance, dBlech] Radical Sound Walk, Hauptplatz Linz / AT

2023.06.16 - 06.18 [Residency] Fine Acts Lab, Sofia / BG

2023.06.10 [Concert, Synth Liveset] temporär für immer, Kapu Linz / AT

2023.06.10 [Performance, dBlech] temporär für immer, Kapu Linz / AT

2023.06.09 [Concert, VRA] FMR Festival, Linz / AT

2023.04.28 [Film, VRA, 30 min] Crossing Europe Festival, Linz / AT

2023.03.15 [Release, Tape] VRA

2023.03.15 [Concert, VRA, A/V] Sound is a collective, Flucc Vienna/AT

2022.11.22 [Concert, VRA_peek, A/V] Best Off, Kunstuniversität Linz/AT

2022.09.30 [Concert, VRA_peek, A/V] Sérum Light Festival, MsKS Šamorín/SK

2022.09.29 [Concert, VRA_peek, A/V] Blaues Rauschen, Herne / DE

2022.09.24 [Concert, Multichannel audio] phonon~ festival, Okres Ústí nad Labem/CZ

2022.09.11 [Concert, VRA_peek, A/V] Ars Electronica Deepspace, Linz/AT

2022.09.06 [Concert, Multichannel audio] Ars Electronica Sound Campus, Linz/AT

2022.06.14 [Concert, VRA_peek, A/V] Time Out, AEC Linz

2022.06.09 [Concert, VRA_peek, A/V] LPM, Rome/IT

2022.06.02 [Concert, VRA_peek, A/V] Between Times, Kapu Linz/AT

2022.06.01 [Release, EP] MAT4Q, Smallforms

2022.02.25 [Concert, A/V] Smallforms, Chateau Rouge Vienna/AT

2021.10.25 [Concert, A/V] The End Of The Future, STWST Linz/AT

2021.09.04 [Concert, A/V] Progress, Pürbach/AT

2021.06.19 [Concert, Synth] Sono III, Kapu Linz/AT

2021.06.10 [Concert, Synth] EP-Release-Show, STWST Linz/AT

2021.05.28 [Release, EP] Seq05, Portable Storage Unit


KRAKEN [performance, installtion] 2024 - ongoing

Kraken can be presented as a multi-channel audiovisual performance or installation. As a basis, eight sinewave-oscillators are available, which simultaneously serve as sound generators and also as modulators. Each voice can modulate 4 parameters (frequency, amplitude, filter cutoff, feedback-modulation-strenght) of each voice, including itself. This can result in very complex textures and rhythms. Other than that, there is no element of modulation or time-quantized sequencing, only the 8 voices playing and modulating each other. The projections show the direct translation of the waveform, a visualization of the sum of the oscillators. They create rapidly changing lighting conditions, transform the space and create shifts in perception.


dBlech [installation] 2023 - ongoing

In „dBlech“ a mirror-polished metal-plate is excited with transducers, driven by audio signal, to create sound and vibration. Through the plate, the signal becomes audible, with its material properties directly affecting the sound characteristics. At the same time, the surface is deformed, visualizing the transverse waves in the mirror.The object creates sounds, reflects, distorts and manipulates light, whereby light and sound are inextricably linked since both arise from one and the same source.

Supported by:


VRA [performance] 2022 - ongoing

VRA is an audiovisual performance based on image-to-sound-transformation. A projection shows a live-generated texture which works as a realtime audiobuffer. The brightnessvalues of a selected row of pixels are describing the waveform from left to right. Movement in the texture results in emergence of rhythm and changing color of the sound. The project is continuosly evolving and developed further.


HIVE [performance] 2023 - ongoing

HIVE is a performance for multichannel/ambisonics systems, using a custom software-instrument that is, at its core inspired by swarm-behaviour. 30 entities of synthvoices are controlled by one “brain” - a sequencer. These voices are equally distributed in space, around the audience. The observer is sitting in the middle of a swarm of oscillators, a synthetic orchestra. The sequencer controlls all of these voices. They can dynamically change from playing alone as unique voices, to singing in unison, behaving like one superorganism, to breaking into chaos. The musical piece is a journey through artificial landscapes, ranging from electric flickering to solid, basshevy rhythms, to digital chaos and noise. photo: phonon~ crew


Schwarzes Rauschen [installation] 2021 - 2022

A wallprojection and a floorprojection combined with a lasertracking system, which tracks the position of people and objects on the floor.

Schwarzes Rauschen is an imersive, interactive installation, consisting of 12 different, dynamic worlds, which change their envoirement relating to the movement of the group of people that are currently tracked. Every world contains a certain amount of noise, randomness, decreasing with every level. Starting at a level of pure chaos, with every further world the envoirement becomes less noisy and more structured and harmonic, leading into total silence and darkness in the end. Inspired of the process of calming down during meditation. From the maximum amount of information to no information at all. From white to black noise.
In every world there is a hidden portal which can take you to the next world. To open the portal, one person has to find the position the portal is hidden. Once found, it opens. If the position is left it closes again, but can be opened again at any time. If everyone in the group decides to step on the portal, we are brought into the next world.


live at Tresor Linz [RESi 0.8] 2023

live at Ars Electronica Deepspace [VRA_peek] 2022

live at Ars Electronica Soundcampus 2022

live at Smallforms Vienna

11x16rash - SEQ05

Quarzfett - SiO2



STURMHERTA, the project of Daniel Haas, is exploring hybrid-modular livesets, intense stroboscopic audiovisual performances, and immersive sound installations. Based in Linz, Austria, Daniel studies "time-based and interactive media arts" at the University of Arts Linz. While he has released several digital EPs and tapes, his primary focus remains live performance. His works frequently showcase a strong connection between sound and light, often translating one directly into the other.

selected concerts

2024 [VRA] Wesa Festival, Seoul / KR

2023 [RESi Liveset] Sonic Territories, Vienna / AT

2023 [Ambisonics Concert] Ottosonics Festival, Ottensheim / AT

2023 [Ambisonics Concert] Melusines, Ústi nad Labem / CZ

2022 [VRA_peek] Blaues Rauschen, Herne / DE

2022 [Multichannel Liveset] phonon~ , Usti ned Labem / CZ

2022 [Multichannel Liveset] Ars Electronica Soundcampus, Linz / AT

2022 [VRA_peek] Ars Electronica Festival, AEC Linz / AT

2022 [VRA_peek] LPM, Rome / IT

2022 [gen_1.0] Smallforms, Chateau Rouge Vienna / AT

2021 [gen_1.0] Progress, Pürbach / AT


2023-2024 [dBlech x4] AEC, Linz / AT

2023 [dBlech x3] lab30, Augsburg / DE

2023 [dBlech] Ars Electronica Festival, Linz / AT


2023 phonon~ ambisonics summer school and residency, Ústi nad Labem / CZ


2023 [VRA] Crossing Europe, Linz / AT

2022 [11x16rash] Crossing Europe, Linz / AT


2023 Talenteförderpremie des Landes Oberösterreich, Linz / AT

2023 Fine Acts Labs Project Grant, Sofia / BG

supported by:
